
Grow Your Coaching Business: 7 Public Speaking Tips to Attract Clients

Get Coaching Clients Fast: 7 Electrifying Public Speaking Skills to Grow Your Coaching Business

Hey coach, if you’re looking to attract more of your dream clients and grow your business? Let’s talk about public speaking – it’s one of the most powerful ways to boost your visibility and build trust with your audience. In this article, I’ll share seven straightforward strategies that will help you go from being a hidden talent to a recognised expert. Learn how to deliver value on stage, connect with your audience, and naturally draw clients to you. This is your chance to take your coaching business to the next level.

1. Craft Your Signature Talk: The Ideal Coaching Client Attraction Magnet

Ever wondered why some coaches seem to effortlessly attract clients while others struggle? The answer often lies in their signature talk. This isn’t just any presentation – it’s a compelling argument for establishing authority and drawing in potential clients.

To create a compelling signature talk:

  • Identify your unique value proposition
  • Pinpoint your target audience’s biggest challenges
  • Weave in stories that resonate deeply
  • Offer actionable insights that leave your audience wanting more

Remember, your goal isn’t just to inform – it’s to inspire change. By the end of your talk, your audience should feel excited and ready to work with you.

2. Master the Art of Storytelling: The Top Public Speaking Skill

Did you know that stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone? That’s the power of narrative in action. As a coach, your personal journey and client success stories are your most potent tools for connection and conversion to attract new clients.

To harness the power of storytelling:

  • Structure your talks around a key message or insight
  • Use vivid imagery and sensory details to bring your stories to life
  • Highlight the transformation your clients have experienced
  • Always tie your stories back to the value you offer as a coach

3. Leverage the Power of a Uniquely Branded Model: Teach to Sell

A uniquely branded model can be a game-changer for your coaching business. Here’s why:

  1. It helps you differentiate yourself and stand out in a crowded niche of coaches. When you have a distinct model, you become memorable and easier to recognize.
  2. It provides a clear and easy-to-understand solution for your potential clients. A unique model helps them visualize how you can help solve their challenges.
  3. A unique model means it’s “new.” In a world full of information overload, something new is inherently more interesting and attractive.
  4. On a deeper level, a new model gives hope to your clients. For example, someone who has tried to lose weight and failed still wants to lose weight. What they need first is the belief that there is a “new” solution that can reignite their hope.
  5. It helps clients believe this solution will work for them. By offering a different approach, you create a sense of possibility that they may not have felt before.

4. Create a Speaking Funnel: Turn Listeners into New Coaching Clients

A strong speaking funnel is your ticket to turning audience interest into real business growth. It’s not just about wowing your audience – it’s about creating a journey that nurtures them into becoming paying clients. I’ve helped grow several businesses using the power of public speaking, and at the peak, I was converting 20% of a room full of cold prospects into clients. But when you have a well-structured funnel, you can easily double those numbers.

Which means you can focus your talk more on building trust & less on selling. Which will serve you & your clients as they buy more of your coaching services over time.

To build an effective speaking funnel:

  • Offer a compelling lead magnet that relates to your talk
  • Set up an email nurture sequence to provide ongoing value
  • Create low-cost entry offers to start building the client relationship
  • Gradually introduce higher-ticket coaching packages

5. Harness the Power of Body Language: Speak Without Words to Get Coaching Clients Fast

Did you know that 55% of communication is non-verbal? Your body language can make or break your impact on stage. Mastering this silent language will help you create a deeper connection with your audience and boost your authority & influence.

Your words, your voice and your body needs to deliver the same message. Humans can tell if something isn’t right. I’m sure you’ve had the same experience of listening to someone where their words sound wonderful but something is just “off”.

If you want to get clients, especially when life coaching can be so intangible, master body language.

To command the stage with your presence:

  • Practice power poses before speaking to boost confidence
  • Use a variety of gestures to add influence to your delivery
  • Make deliberate eye contact to connect with individuals
  • Move with purpose to emphasise key points

6. Optimize for Virtual Speaking: The Higher Leverage Way to Get Coaching Clients

Now, you don’t even have to leave your home to attract clients. Virtual speaking opportunities are everywhere. Don’t let the lack of a physical stage hold you back –  engaging an online audience can exponentially expand your reach. Virtual events also offer an incredible gateway to group coaching opportunities, allowing you to connect with and serve more people at once.

To excel in virtual speaking:

  • Invest in quality audio and video equipment
  • Create visually engaging slides that are tailored for the online format
  • Use interactive elements like polls and chat to keep your audience engaged
  • Practice looking directly into the camera to make a personal connection

Leveraging virtual speaking effectively can set you up not just for individual clients but for scalable group coaching, making your impact even more powerful.

7. Measure and Refine: Data-Driven Speaking Success

The most successful coaches don’t just hope and pray they can use public speaking to gain potential coaching clients – they continually refine their presentation, delivery, and funnel using data. By tracking key metrics, you can continually optimise your talks for better impact and client attraction.

Key metrics to monitor:

  • Audience engagement levels
  • Lead magnet opt-in rates
  • Follow-up email open and click-through rates
  • Conversion rates from leads to clients

Focus on live Q&A’s at the end of your talk to uncover your prospects’ beliefs, objections, pain points, and desired goals. This real-time interaction can provide real insights into what your audience wants and what could stop them buying YOU! 

Conclusion: Strong Public Speaking Positions “You” – Which Attracts Coaching Clients

Public speaking isn’t just a skill – it’s a superpower for coaches who want to attract high-quality clients. If you want to make an impact, you need to move prospects to buy your coaching programs.

You can’t serve people if they don’t come on the coaching journey with you. When you put these seven strategies into action, you’re not just stepping onto a stage – you’re making a difference.

I treat each presentation as a coaching session. Breaking down my prospects limiting beliefs. Helping them in advance before I ask for anything. This attitude will help you grow. Help you have the impact you desire. 

Every great speaker started somewhere. The key is to get started, learn from each experience, and keep getting better. Get a mentor to help you write and deliver an effective signature talk.

Your ideal clients are out there, waiting to hear your message. Take a deep breath, and get out there – Leverage all public speaking opportunities so you can leverage your coaching skills.

I guarantee it will help you get coaching clients.


Frequently Asked Questions on Public Speaking As the Way to Get Coaching Clients

1. How can public speaking help me grow my coaching business?

Public speaking is an excellent way to attract new and potential clients to your coaching business. By presenting your expertise on stage, you can demonstrate your knowledge, build trust with your audience, and showcase your coaching skills. Speaking opportunities allow you to reach a wider audience, establish yourself as an authority in your field, and create connections that can lead to new coaching clients. Additionally, public speaking can help you refine your message, improve your communication skills, and gain valuable feedback from your audience, all of which can help you grow your coaching business in the long run.

2. What are the most effective public speaking tips to attract coaching clients?

To attract coaching clients through public speaking, consider these tips: 1. Know your ideal client and tailor your message to their needs. 2. Share compelling stories and case studies that demonstrate your expertise. 3. Offer valuable, actionable insights that your audience can implement immediately. 4. Include a clear call-to-action for your coaching services. 5. Network before and after your presentation to connect with potential coaching clients

3. How can I find speaking gigs to promote my coaching business?

Finding speaking opportunities to promote your coaching business requires proactive effort. Here are some strategies: 1. Join professional associations and offer to speak at their events. 2. Reach out to local businesses, schools, and community organisations. 3. Attend networking events and express your interest in speaking engagements.

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