
Achieve Your Goals: Goal Setting Journaling Techniques

Unlock Your Potential: 7 Powerful Goal-Setting Journaling Techniques to Achieve Your Goals

Frustrated with chasing goals that never seem to get any closer? You’re not alone. Most entrepreneurs set goals, get excited, and then—boom—life happens, and those dreams start to fade. But what if I told you the difference between dreaming and doing isn’t some magical talent? It’s goal-setting journaling—a powerful, proven way to keep you laser-focused, motivated, and on track.

In this guide, I’m breaking down seven game-changing journaling techniques that top entrepreneurs use to turn their big ideas into real, profitable businesses. This isn’t some fluffy “write your thoughts down” stuff—it’s a blueprint for achieving the things you’ve been talking about for years. Whether you’re building from the ground up or scaling your company to the next level, these strategies are designed to help you unlock your potential, clarify your vision, and push your business to new heights.

If you’re ready to stop wishing and start winning, let’s dive in. These techniques are your key to turning goals into reality—and building the business you’ve always dreamed of.

The Power of Pen and Paper: The Real benefits of Journaling for Goal Setting

Before we jump into the techniques, let’s talk about why goal-setting journals actually work. And I’m not just blowing smoke—studies show that when you write down your goals, you’re 42% more likely to hit them. That’s not a small bump in goal achievement —it’s a game-changer.

Why? Because putting pen to paper taps into your brain in a way that thinking or typing just doesn’t. Here’s what happens when you make it a habit:

  1. You get crystal clear on your priorities—no more vague ideas floating around.
  2. You’re way more committed—when it’s in writing, there’s no backing out.
  3. Your motivation and focus go through the roof—you’ve got a written contract with yourself.
  4. You track wins and milestones—and celebrate the hell out of them.
  5. You spot obstacles before they trip you up—and come up with a killer plan to crush them.
  6. You change your brain. The mechanism of neuro-plasticity leads to personal growth

Now, let’s explore the seven techniques that will revolutionise your business goal-setting process.

1. The SMART Goal Framework: Your Foundation for Success

The SMART goal framework? It’s a classic for a reason. It makes sure your goals don’t turn into just wishful thinking. Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Specific—no more vague BS, you know exactly what you’re aiming for.
  • Measurable—you can track it and know when you’ve hit the mark.
  • Achievable—you’re stretching yourself, but you’re not setting yourself up for failure.
  • Relevant—it actually matters to your bigger vision.
  • Time-bound—you’re on the clock, no endless timelines.

In your journal, lay out each business goal like this:
“Increase monthly recurring revenue by 25% (from $10,000 to $12,500) within the next 90 days by launching a new premium service tier and implementing a referral program.”

That’s a clear, specific target, and you’ve got the big picture roadmap to get there. No guesswork, no fluff—just straight-up action to reach your goals.

2. The 90-Day Sprint: Balancing Long-Term Vision with Short-Term Action

Big dreams are great, but here’s the problem: if you’re only focused on the long-term vision, you’ll end up spinning your wheels and wondering why you’re not making any real progress. That’s where the 90-Day Sprint comes in—it’s the perfect way to balance that massive future you want with the action you need to take right now.

Here’s the deal: a 90-day sprint gives you the clarity of a short-term goal but keeps you laser-focused on what really moves the needle toward your long-term vision. You get 3 months to dive in, attack your goals, and make real progress without getting lost in the day-to-day grind or overwhelmed by the big picture.

This isn’t about vague planning—it’s about putting immediate action behind your vision. You’ll break down that grand, five-year plan into bite-sized, achievable chunks that keep you motivated and moving forward every single day. Imagine walking into each day knowing exactly what needs to be done—not just to survive the week, but to build that future you’ve been talking about.

The 90-Day Sprint is your secret weapon to stay disciplined, avoid distractions, and drive results—while keeping your long-term goals front and centre.

These 5 prompts will take your sprint from just another “to-do list” to a laser-focused plan that moves you toward your long-term vision fast.

  1. What’s the BIG goal I want to achieve in the next 90 days?
    • Get crystal clear. What’s the one game-changing result you want to hit by the end of this sprint? Whether it’s launching a product, scaling your business, or hitting a revenue milestone, define it in a way that gets you fired up.
  2. Why is this goal non-negotiable?
    • Dig deep. Why is hitting this goal a must, not just a “nice-to-have”? Tie it to your bigger vision and remind yourself what’s at stake if you don’t take action.
  3. What are the 3-5 key actions I need to take to hit this goal?
    • Break it down. What specific actions will move the needle in the next 90 days? Think of these as your core focus points—everything else is just noise.
  4. What obstacles are most likely to slow me down or derail me?
    • Be real. Identify the distractions, habits, or excuses that could mess with your progress. The more honest you are here, the better you can plan for them.
  5. What’s my game plan to crush those obstacles when they show up?
    • Create a strategy. Write out how you’ll handle challenges before they hit. Whether it’s time-blocking, accountability partners, or simply powering through—get your plan in place to stay on track.

Use these journal prompts to map out your sprints, so you can hold yourself to making progress towards your bigger dreams while staying focused on immediate, actionable tasks.

3. The Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritizing What Truly Matters

Ever feel like you’re constantly drowning in tasks but not actually getting anywhere? Welcome to the club. As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day whirlwind, but here’s the problem: not everything deserves your attention. That’s where the Eisenhower Matrix comes in—it’s your weapon for slicing through the noise and finally focusing on what truly matters.

This isn’t some boring time-management tool—it’s a priority-slaying framework that’ll help you make decisions like a top-tier CEO. The Eisenhower Matrix breaks down tasks into four simple quadrants:

  1. Urgent and Important (the stuff that needs your attention now)
  2. Important but Not Urgent (the big-picture work that moves the needle long term)
  3. Urgent but Not Important (the busywork that eats your time but doesn’t grow your business)
  4. Neither Urgent nor Important (the crap you should probably ditch altogether)

By plugging your tasks into these categories, you’ll stop spinning your wheels on the wrong stuff and start focusing on what actually drives results.

Ready to level up? Use these 5 journaling prompts to apply the Eisenhower Matrix and make every decision count:

1. What are the top 3 tasks in my “Urgent and Important” quadrant?

  • Get clear on what needs immediate attention. These are your fires to put out today—no excuses.

2. What projects in my “Important but Not Urgent” quadrant will make the biggest long-term impact?

  • This is the gold. These are the tasks that, if you focus on them now, will take your business to the next level. What’s been lingering here for too long?

3. What “Urgent but Not Important” tasks can I delegate or drop entirely?

  • Be brutal here. These are the time-suckers that feel important but don’t move the needle. Who can take these off your plate?

4. What “Neither Urgent nor Important” distractions are cluttering my day?

  • We all have them—scrolling through social media, endless emails, that meeting you don’t really need to attend. What can you cut right now?

5. How can I better protect my time for the “Important but Not Urgent” work?

  • This is where the magic happens. How can you structure your day or week to protect the time you need to focus on what really matters?

The Eisenhower Matrix is your roadmap to prioritizing like a pro and turning overwhelm into clarity. Stop wasting time on low-impact tasks and start focusing on the stuff that will actually drive your business forward. Make time for a journaling session to dive into these prompts, and start making better decisions today.

4. The Gratitude-Goals Connection: Fueling Motivation with Positivity

Want to supercharge your motivation and resilience? Start incorporating gratitude into your goal-setting practice. Sounds simple, but, this can seriously flip the switch on your mindset. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Kick off each journal entry by listing three things you’re grateful for in your business.
  2. Follow that up with your top three goals for the day—get clear on what needs to get done.
  3. Wrap it up at the end of the day by reflecting on your progress and any unexpected wins.

This creates a positive mindset loop that keeps you fired up, even when things get tough. Gratitude boosts your drive, makes challenges easier to tackle, and helps you stay focused on what’s working instead of what’s not.

Plus Here are 3 journaling prompts to get you started & help reinforce the journaling habit.

  1. What are 3 things in your business you’re genuinely grateful for today?
    • Whether it’s a client win, progress on a project, or even just the freedom to build your own thing—acknowledge what’s working.
  2. What are the top 3 goals you need to crush today to keep momentum?
    • Get specific. What’s going to move the needle and take you closer to the big wins? No fluff here—just what needs to get done.
  3. What unexpected positive outcomes did you notice today?
    • At the end of the day, reflect on any surprises. Did something turn out better than expected? Did a challenge lead to a win you didn’t see coming?

5. The Obstacle Crusher: Use Journaling for Proactive Problem-Solving

Here’s the truth about business success—it’s not about everything going smoothly. It’s about being ready for when it doesn’t. Most entrepreneurs hit a roadblock and freeze. But the high performers? They see obstacles coming from a mile away and crush them before they derail progress. That’s where this journaling technique comes in.

This is all about anticipating the chaos and dealing with it before it deals with you. Instead of reacting to problems when they hit, you’re already armed with a plan to bulldoze through them. Here’s how you do it:

  1. List your top 3 goals for the week—get clear on what you’re after, so you know where to focus.
  2. For each goal, identify the obstacles—what’s most likely to throw you off? Distractions, resources, time? Name them.
  3. Brainstorm solutions or contingency plans—because when those obstacles hit, you’re going to need a backup strategy that keeps you moving.
  4. Review and update this list regularly—because new challenges are always popping up.

By tackling challenges before they happen, you’re putting yourself miles ahead of the competition. Entrepreneurship (& life) is full of ups and downs, but with this journaling technique, you’ll be better prepared to navigate them—and win.

Journaling Prompts to Crush Obstacles:

  1. What are my top 3 business goals for the week?
    • Write your goals, so you know where to aim your energy.
  2. What potential obstacles could throw me off?
    • Identify the roadblocks, whether it’s time, resources, or external distractions. Call them out before they show up.
  3. What’s my game plan to handle these obstacles?
    • Write out your action steps. What will you do when the challenge hits? How can you pivot or push through?

By using these prompts, your journal can help, by giving you the space to think. You’ll stop being blindsided by roadblocks and start running the show. Entrepreneurship is a game of resilience, and this is how you win it.

6. The Skill Stack Builder: Journaling to Achieve Continuous Improvement

Here’s a harsh truth—your business isn’t going to outgrow you. If you’re not leveling up your skills, you’re capping your potential. But the high achievers, the ones who keep pushing the limits? They know that success isn’t just about grinding harder—it’s about building the right skills that move the needle. That’s where The Skill Stack Builder comes in.

Use your journal to continuously improve, stay sharp, and make sure your business doesn’t just survive—it thrives. You’re going to intentionally build a stack of skills that’ll make you unstoppable, whether it’s digital marketing, public speaking, or mastering the financials. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify the key skills that will make the biggest difference in your business—think digital marketing, financial analysis, or public speaking.
  2. Set learning goals for each skill—what’s your game plan? Courses, mentors, hands-on experience? Break it down.
  3. Track your progress and write down the insights as you develop these abilities—because self-awareness & growth happens when you reflect.
  4. Reflect on how you’re applying these skills to your business & life —what impact are you seeing? What needs more work?

This method keeps you in a constant state of evolution as a leader, ensuring you stay ahead of the pack and never stop growing & achieving goals.

Stay Inspired With These Journaling Prompts for the Skill Stack Builder:

  1. What are 3 key skills that would radically progress you toward your goals?
    • Get specific on the skills that will push your business forward. What’s the one thing you could learn that would give you an edge?
  2. What’s my game plan to develop these skills?
    • Break it down: books, courses, mentors—how are you going to stack these skills and make progress?
  3. How am I applying these new skills to my business?
    • Reflect on how these new skills are translating into real-world results. Are you seeing improvements? What’s your next step?

7. The Weekly Review and Reset: Journal Prompts for Staying on Track and Adapting

If you’re not reviewing and resetting every week, you’re basically flying blind. Most entrepreneurs plow through their weeks without ever stopping to check the scoreboard—and that’s exactly how they end up stuck, spinning their wheels. The Weekly Review and Reset is the secret sauce that keeps you accountable, sharp, and on track to crush your goals.

Think of it as a personal board meeting with yourself. Writing in your journal every week, you take a step back, review what worked, what didn’t, and plan how to hit the next level. It’s not just about celebrating wins (though you should definitely do that); it’s about making sure you’re constantly adapting and evolving based on real-world results. That’s how you stay ahead of the game and keep your goals aligned with the shifting needs of your business.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Celebrate your wins—big, small, doesn’t matter. Recognize progress.
  2. Analyze what didn’t go as planned—and figure out why.
  3. Learn from your experience—identify what you can improve on.
  4. Set clear priorities for the next week—focus on what moves the needle.
  5. Adjust your 90-day goals—if things have shifted, it’s okay to adapt.

By doing this every week, you’ll stay focused, keep improving, and make sure you’re always in sync with your business goals.

Journaling Prompts for the Weekly Review and Reset:

  1. What were my top 3 wins this week?
    • Celebrate your progress—big or small, it all matters.
  2. What didn’t go as planned, and why?
    • Be real about what didn’t work. What threw you off, and how can you fix it?
  3. What’s the #1 thing I need to focus on next week to keep moving forward?
    • Get clear on what matters most for the week ahead. What’s going to make the biggest impact?

This journaling practice doesn’t just keep you accountable—it helps you learn, adapt, and improve every single week. So grab your journal, dive into these prompts, and start making real progress on your goals. 

Conclusion: Use Journaling for Goal Setting & to Stay On Track to Achieve Your Dreams Starts Now

Alright, here’s the bottom line—if you want to stop talking about your business dreams and actually live them, it’s time to get serious about journaling. These seven goal-setting techniques? They’re not just ideas—they’re the tools that’ll take you from wishful thinking to real-world results. But here’s the catch: none of it matters if you don’t follow through. Consistency is everything.

Don’t overwhelm yourself. Start with one or two techniques, build that goal-setting muscle, and watch how fast things start to shift. Setbacks? They’re part of the game. But your journal is where you reflect, learn, and make the tweaks that keep you moving forward.

So, are you ready to unlock your full business potential? Grab a journal, pick your technique, and take that first step toward turning your vision into reality. Your future self is going to thank you for leveraging the power of writing. Personal growth and goal achievement in one package.

And if you’re serious about mastering this? Check out The Journaling Habit program on Strategic Rebel. It’s packed with everything you need to transform your mindset and turn those goals into serious wins.

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