
Unlock New Clients with a Mini-Course – Here’s How!

Discover how a low-risk mini-course can attract high-end coaching clients effortlessly…

If you’d prefer to fill your high-end coaching programs with eager clients… without the hard sell, then this is a great strategy because…

That’s exactly what a mini-course can do for you.

Here’s why you need to jump on this strategy:

  • Boost Client Trust Instantly: Let potential clients experience your unique coaching style. They’ll see your value firsthand, creating a bond and trust right from the start…
  • Effortless Lead Generation: A mini-course serves as a non-intrusive introduction, continually bringing in validated prospects without extra effort…
  • Low Risk, High Reward: Prospects get a taste of your expertise with minimal risk, making them more likely to commit to your higher-end programs or events…

So how do you create one? Or two, or three?

Step 1: Ideation and Planning

1. Decide who you want to work with:

This will be your audience.

2. Choose a Relevant Topic:

Based on your audience’s profile, select a topic that addresses a specific problem or goal. For example, “Master Your Presentation Skills.”

Now, I’m of the belief you can sell any mini-course on any topic. As long as you position it as a solution to a specific problem your audience is facing.

So even if you’re a master of “quantum Egyptian 3rd eye manifesting”, if you can connect that as a solution to a specific problem for your audience which will help them achieve a specific outcome they want, then it’s all good.

3. Validate your Idea:

Don’t overthink this. Keep it simple. 

First off the price point for this is always $27 because that’s not a risk to anyone. They don’t have to think too hard about spending so little.

If you already have an audience. E.g. a facebook group or an email list. Post a message offering the program to gauge response. 

Even though the price is $27, the value is much higher. Go for 10x. 

If you have no existing audience, then just spend  $100 on advertising to gauge response.

Keep the ad simple. 

E.g. Ever feel like your DESIRED OUTCOME is slipping away? Discover how to [dramatic solution] and [dramatic benefit] with [MINI-COURSE COOL NAME]!

4. Map the course outline

I’ll usually start with a mind-map. 

Map the gap between where the course will take them to and where they are starting from.

Based on this, brainstorm what steps they’ll need to close the gap.

Then add an intro and a “what to do next” final slide.

Take the steps you;ve defined and organise them into a unique model.

This is your Unique Core Solution which makes your program stand out from anything else they may have seen.

(You don’t have to do this, but the more cluttered your niche the more important it is)

Step 2: Create the Course

1. Create the Slides

This is a mini course, so keep it to under 90 minutes of recorded material.

Some of my mini-course are as short as 40 minutes, and the average is around the 60 minute mark.

Take the steps you’ve identified and create slides for them.

Follow the Why-What-How model to map out the content.

  1. Why you need this step
  2. What the elements of this step are
  3. How you do this step

2. Record the Videos

You’ll need some sort of screen recording software to do this. There’s so many out there now. High end would be Camtasia (mac/pc) and Screenflow (mac).

Or online like wave.video is an option.

Use a decent microphone. Sound quality is more important than visuals.

3. Create Supplemental Materials:

You might want to add in some worksheets or checklists if they are useful and relevant. These can be used to increase the value of the mini-course in your offer.

Step 3: Upload to your course platform

There are so many of these. I use Thrivecart (with the Learn+ add on) which combines the checkout pages and the course platform to manage the program.

But there are others out there. 

Step 4. Create a Sales Page

Design a compelling sales page that highlights the benefits of the course. 

For example: The Finishers Code

Step 5: Using Upsells

Initial Upsell

If you’re a coach, then to start with your upsell is your coaching program. 

Do not make it more complicated!!!!!!

Let your mini-course buyers know you have a coaching program.

Simplest way is to email them. Let them book a call with you where you can answer their questions and enroll them.

More Complicated Upsell

Only after you’ve done the first 4 steps above, should you consider this. Why? Because too many people end up spending all their time planning the perfect sales funnel instead of just getting the “imperfect thing” out there.

Getting in front of clients is infinitely more important than having the perfect funnel.

OK.. Having said that, then burn this phrase into your mind.

Every problem has a solution. Every solution creates a new problem.

Your mini-course solves your audience’s first problem. 

Once that’s solved they will have a new “bigger” problem.

You can create a more in depth course to solve that. This could be in the $197 to $497 price range.

When they buy your min-course then you can immediately offer them your “bigger program”, on the thank you page.

If you want to get more fancy, if they buy that, you can offer them something more.

If they don’t buy the upsell, you can offer them something else again. Typically called the downsell.

The key with all of this is each product must compliment the initial mini-course. There has to be some logic to the upsells and downsells.


For now, create your min-course. Offer your coaching program.

Keep it simple.

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